"Lord, this humble house we'd keep, sweet with play and calm with sleep. Help us so that we may give beauty to the lives we live. Let Thy bounty and Thy grace shine upon our dwelling place." E. A. Guest


The Blessing of Solitude

"THE BLESSING OF SOLITUDE under the tall pines, in the cool of early morning.
The blessing of sawing wood, cutting grass, cleaning house, washing dishes.
The blessing of a quiet, alert, concentrated, fully present meditation.
The blessing of God's presence and guidance.
I am very aware of the meaning of faith and fidelity, and of the implications of the relationship they establish. This place is marked with the blessed sign of my covenant with Him Who has redeemed me.
May I never fail this goodness, this mercy!"

Thomas Merton


  1. The beauty of solitude...to sit quietly by His feet...to have His words resonating in our minds as we look about our spaces and see the blessings...oh, too many to count.

    What a beautiful picture Trish. I really like the title of this place. Without HIM there is no simplicity.

    Peace to you today,


  2. nice post and blog thank you so much for sharing...looking for to visit more...blessings

  3. How beautiful! That's where I have been as well. Enjoying solitude! <3
